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Kick the Circus out of Richmond in February!

19 Jan


Kick the Circus out of Richmond!!!!

Circuses are no fun for animals!!
Event Info
Richmond Animal Defense League
Time and Place
Start Time:
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 at 6:00am
End Time:
Sunday, February 22, 2009 at 8:00pm
Richmond Coliseum
601 E Leigh St
Richmond, VA
Contact Info


Ringling Brothers and Barnum Bailey Circus is coming to Richmond again this February, and we can make this their last visit to our city.

They will be having 11 different showtimes over 4 days, which gives all of us an opportunity to make it out before a show at least once, to hold signs, to pass out leaflets, to try an convince people to not go to the circus and to not expose their children to that type of animal cruelty.

If we go out about an hour before each showing we can probably catch people going in before each show, and convince them not to go in.

If we could also get things like letters to the editor of local papers, press releases etc. written we can make sure that our opposition to the circus get noticed.

If you know anyone or any group who would want to help out with this protest please show them this event page.

There are so many really cool human-only circuses around that it is high time the animal circuses ended.
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