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12/21 Prisoner Letter Writing Event

1 Dec

RVA ABC Presents: Prisoner Letter Writing Party

Monday, December 21, 2009
7:00pm – 10:00pm
The Wingnut House
2005 Barton Avenue

Come hang out at the Wingnut and learn about writing letters to political prisoners!
Talk about experiences writing to prisoners.
Then we can all write letters together.
Learn what a political prisoner is, and what is up with political repression these days.

We need prisoner support for folks who are locked up. You know you would want letters if you were in prison!

We will provide: paper, envelopes, pens, addresses of prisoners, tea and vegan snacks!

Please bring: Friends, money for stamps or stamps!

The Richmond Anarchist Black Cross is an autonomous Collective committed to prison abolition and prisoner support. As anarchists we are oppossed to all systems of oppression and repression and have concluded that prisons serve no positive function in society. We actively seek to abolish the institutionalized slavery of the Prison Industrial Complex. We are dedicated to working in solidarity with prisoners and drawing connections between a multitude of struggles. Continue reading

January Critical Mass Bike Ride

5 Jan


January Critical Mass
Family-Friendly Group Ride for Cyclist Rights!!
Event InfoHost:
Richmond Community
Sports – Pep Rally
Time and PlaceDate:
Friday, January 30, 2009
5:00pm – 7:00pm
Monroe Park
Main and Laurel
Richmond, VA

Contact InfoPhone:
Join other Richmond Cyclists and bike riders and fixed gear fanatics and belle isle mountain bikers and tricyclists and everyone who likes moving without motors for a monthly bike ride to assert bike rights and to make cyclists in Richmond visible. Continue reading

Help Stop Immigrant Detention Center in Farmville!!!!

5 Dec

So, the Town of Farmville and a private company called Immigrant Centers of America are trying to build a 1,000 bed immigrant detention center in Farmville. ICA has zero experience with prisons or detention centers. Their previous experience is constructing Arby’s and BP Gas stations. This project has already received over 500,000 dollars from the State Tobacco Commission. This is not a done deal, the project can still, and will be stopped.

You can help stop it by sending an email to some of the folks involved, letting them know you think it is a bad idea. I’ve put a list of emails below, that includes people on town council, people from the VA Tobacco Comission, people from DHS, and people who run ICA.

Also below are copies of a couple letters- one from the Richmond Anarchist Black cross, one written to farmville religious community, and one written to the farmville business community. Feel free to use any of these letters as a format for your own, or just copy one. THough creating your own email will help them see just how much resistance there is. The more emails we send them, the more pressure will be put on them to stop the construction.

Keep alert for more news from the People United, the Richmond Anarchist Black Cross, and other organizations in the Commonwealth working to stop this detention center from being built. Continue reading

Richmond October Really Really Free Market

6 Oct

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Richmond, Virginia Monthly Really Really Free Market

The October Really Really Free Market will be on Saturday October 25th from noon until 6.

The Really Really Free Market happens the last Saturday of every month in Monroe Park, at the corner of Main and Laurel.

The Really Really Free Market started in Richmond in April, with events April, June, July, August, and September. Originally held in Holly Street Park in Oregon Hill, the event now occurs monthly in Monroe Park so as to be more visible and more accessible. Some months Richmond Food Not Bombs has come with free food. There have been workshops led by community members and musical performances as well. Community members have brought games to play with each other at the market. Vegan cookies have also been known to make an appearance.

We are bombarded with messages every day that the sheer amount of things that we own is equal to the amount of success that we have had in our lives, instead of placing value on the people that we meet and the experiences that we have.

The RVA Really Really free markets (based on Really Really Free Markets []) provide people with a chance to share the excess that they possess, to prevent the landfills from filling with stuff that will never decompose and is nowhere near the end of its usefulness, and to offer the community a chance to come together for a day of free fun in the sun! (or rain!)

So the last Saturday of every month, bring your music, your skills, your stuff, your food, and your friends and family, and help us prove that there is enough stuff in the world for everybody!

Meeting Community Needs with Community Surplus.

A really really free market is an alternative to the capitalist version of a ‘free market’ where in fact, nothing is free. The really really free market is a place where people can come bring things they no longer need or use and give them away. The really really free market is a place where people can come get the things they need for free, without having to participate in the corporate, killer market. Really really free market builds community instead of destroying it.

Any stores, restaurants, or organizations are welcome to bring their surplus items or food to share with the community.

The Really Really Free Market is not about bartering, selling, or discounting. All items are 110% free. No one has to bring something to get something. Everyone can take what they would like regardless of their contribution.

People can come to share things besides the physical. Anyone interested in sharing their skills or knowledge through a workshop should let us know or just show up and teach others. Anyone interested in performing, music or reading poetry or whatever, should contact us or just show up.

So dig through your closets, take the extra from your work, ask your parents and friends and neighbors to come to bring stuff and come to get stuff. Bring clothes, furniture, food, tapes, cds, office supplies, kitchen stuff, knick knacks, paddy whacks, etc.

The best way to make the event awesome is to advertise, so make your own fliers, tell people, mark your calenders.

Anything left at the end of the day will be taken to Diversity Thrift.

The November Really Really Free Market will be on Saturday Novemeber 29th.

The December Really Really Free Market will be on Saturday December 27th.

If anyone is interested in volunteering, helping to advertise, or finding out more information you can do so through the internet, email, or phone.

call: 804 300 0023 (Mo Karn)

On Eco-‘terrorism’ and the ELF

13 Mar
 Welcome to Infoshop News
Thursday, March 13 2008 @ 09:09 AM PDT

 This article from did such a good job talking about the ELF and the recent action against McMansions outside of Seattle, WA that I had to repost it. I will add more commentary later…

Eco-Terrorism: There’s No Such Thing

Anarchists Against Voting

7 Feb

 This is an article I wrote for the school newspaper- Hampshire College’s The Climax. They told me only 650 words, which made it very difficult to make my argument in this op-ed. Comments would be welcome, as I would like to develop a much stronger piece for future use in a zine.
Continue reading

Against the Upcoming Presidential Elections

19 Jan

 This is an article I originally got off of, which is about some banner drops, and the letter by those who dropped the banners expresses quite clearly an anarchist stance against voting and elections.  The banner drops in Milwaukee  by some anarchists reveal how anarchists are already thinking about the elections as well as the Democratic and Republican National Conventions.

Continue reading